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If you’re an Ohio employer… The Clermont County Division of Child Support welcomes you. This page is dedicated to addressing questions you may have concerning your role in the child support process.

In Ohio, the Child Support Program is state supervised and county administered. The name of the agency administering the program at the county level is the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE).

Why should employers be involved with Child Support?

Complying with this law will benefit all of us:

Income withholding is the most successful and efficient enforcement tool for collecting child support – nearly 73% of all monies collected on behalf of Ohios children is collected directly by employers!

Stable, reliable workforce – when parents know their children are provided with the necessities of life and well cared for, the result is less absenteeism and higher productivity on the job.

Taxpayer savings – the New Hire Reporting program will reduce government spending on welfare by increasing child support collections for families who would otherwise be forced to seek public assistance.

Healthy children – children who might otherwise not be covered under a medical insurance plan can receive vital and preventative medical attention if they are receiving medical support through an employees medical plan.

Fraud detection – Ohio can use new hire information to detect erroneous unemployment, disability, and workers compensation benefit payments and erroneous receipt of public assistance payments.

A stronger sense of community – the bonds that form or are strengthened between a non-custodial parent and a child when regular financial, medical and emotional support arrives can enrich the entire community.

Responsibilities of the Employer

Income Withholding:

Medical insurance:

New Hire:

Medical Support

The Department of Child Support Enforcement is responsible for establishing and enforcing health insurance orders for child support cases when coverage is available and reasonable or expected to become available.

The employer will receive a notice to enroll the employee and a copy of the child support order requiring the employee to obtain health insurance for the child(ren). The employer must enroll the child(ren) and deduct any premiums from the employee’s income/wages. This order may be subsequent to or in conjunction with an order to withhold wages/income for child support.

The dependent(s) must be enrolled in the insurance plan without regard to seasonal restrictions (i.e. Open Enrollment) The dependant(s) may not be denied coverage on the grounds that the parents were not married, that the dependant is not claimed as a dependant on the employee’s federal income tax return, or the dependant does not reside with the employee or in the insurer’s service area.

New Hire Reporting

One of the most significant changes in child support enforcement was the implementation of the New Hire Reporting Program. New hire reporting is the process by which an employer reports information on newly hired employees shortly after the employee is hired.

Security and privacy of data is a major focus of the program. Federal law requires all states to establish safeguards for confidential information handled by state agencies. All Ohio new hire data is transmitted over secure and dedicated lines to the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH). Federal law also requires that the NDNH restrict access to and use of new hire information to authorized persons for authorized purposes.

New hires must be reported to: Ohio New Hire Reporting Center,  P.O. Box 15309,  Columbus, OH  43215-0309       (888)872-1490    (614)221-5330  or   FAX (888)872-1611    (614)221-7088

Take care of your new hire reporting on the web!  www.oh-newhire.com

Glossary for Employers

Administrative Procedure

Method by which support orders are made and enforced by an executive agency rather than by courts and judges.


Past due, unpaid child support owed by the non-custodial parent. If the parent has an arrearage, he/she is said to be “in arrears.”

Child Support Enforcement (CSE)

Agency that exists in every State that locates non-custodial parents (NCPs) or putative fathers (PF), establishes, enforces, and modifies child support, and collects and distributes child support money. Operated by State or local government according to the Child Support Enforcement Program guidelines as set forth in Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. Also known as a “IV-D Agency.”

Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA)

Federal law that limits the amount that may be withheld from earnings to satisfy child support obligations. States are allowed to set their own limits provided they do not exceed the Federal limits. Regardless of the number or withholding orders that have been served, the maximum that may be withheld for child support is:

Without arrearage

50% with a second family

60% Single

With Arrearage

55% with a second family and 12+ weeks in arrears

65% Single 12+ weeks in arrears

Court Order

A legally binding edict issued by a court of law. Issued by a magistrate, judge, or properly empowered administrative officer. A court order related to child support can dictate how often, how much, what kind of support a non-custodial parent is to pay, how long he or she is to pay it, and whether an employer must withhold support from their wages. Support orders can incorporate the provision of monetary support, health care, payment of arrearage, or reimbursement of costs and fees, interest and penalties, and other forms of relief.


Custodial Parent. The person who has primary care, custody, and control of the child(ren). Also referred to as the Obligee.

CSPC ( Child Support Payment Central)

The official name of Ohio’s State Disbursement Unit (SDU). This enables all child and spousal support payments in the state of Ohio to be processed at one central location. Ohio CSPC is the umbrella that represents several activities mandated for implementation under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to centralize child support payment collection and disbursement within each of the 50 states.


Electronic Data Interchange. Process by which information regarding an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) transaction is transmitted electronically along with the EFT funds transfer.


Electronic Funds Transfer. Process by which money is transmitted electronically from one bank account to another.

FIPS (Code)

Federal Information Processing Standards. A unique five-digit code that identifies the child support jurisdiction, (i.e., States, counties, central state registries).

Income Withholding

Procedure by which automatic deductions are made from wages or income, as defined in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), to pay a debt such as child support. Income withholding often is incorporated into the child support order and may be voluntary or involuntary. The provision dictates that an employer must withhold support from a non-custodial parent’s wages and transfer that withholding to the appropriate agency (the Centralized Collection Unit or State Disbursement Unit). Sometimes referred to as wage withholding.

Medical Support

Form of child support where medical or dental insurance coverage is paid typically by the non-custodial parent (NCP). Depending on the court order, medical support can be an NCP’s sole financial obligation, or it can be one of several obligations, with child and/or spousal support being the others. A court order may require the custodial parent (CP) to carry the coverage for the child(ren).

New Hire Data

Data on a new employee that employers must submit within 20 days of hire to the State Directory of New Hires (SDNH) in the State in which they do business. Minimum information must include the employee’s name, address, and Social Security Number (SSN), as well as the employer’s name, address, and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). Some States may require or request additional data. Multi state employers have the option of reporting all of their newly hired employees to only one State in which they do business. This data is then submitted to the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), where it is compared against child support order information contained in the Federal Case Registry (FCR) for possible enforcement of child support obligations by wage garnishment. New hire data may also be used at the State level to find new hires that have been receiving unemployment insurance or other public benefits for which they may no longer be eligible, helping States to reduce waste and fraud. Federal Agencies report this data directly to the NDNH. Also known as (W4) data, after the form used to report the employees.

New Hire Reporting

Program that requires that all employers report newly hired employees to the State Directory of New Hires (SDNH) in their State. This data is then submitted to the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), where it is compared against child support order information contained in the Federal Case Registry (FCR) for possible enforcement of child support obligations by wage garnishment. Some data is also made available to States to find new hires that have been receiving unemployment insurance or other public benefits for which they may no longer be eligible, helping States to reduce waste and fraud.


Non Custodial Parent. The parent who does not have primary care, custody, or control of the child, and has an obligation to pay child support. Also referred to as the Obligor.

SETS (Support Enforcement Tracking System)

SETS is the internal system developed by Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) for tracking case establishment, case management and financial management of both child and spousal support cases in the State of Ohio. SETS is being designed pursuant to federal requirements outlined in the Family Support Act of 1988, PRWORA96 and other federal and state statutory and regulatory articles.

TPN (Third Part Number)

Each active Ohio employer is assigned a unique identifier number by SETS. The number can be found on your billing statement(s). Your TPN is not your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (FIEN) or Employer Identification Number(EIN).